Sustainability (4): As a working hub for green technology and innovation
Generally, Beeston’s population has high levels of academic attainment across post school age groups, mainly driven by the University’s staff, students and alumni. Beeston’s businesses are high value, with many in engineering and technology, including Boots, proximity to Nottingham University Hospitals, the Universities’ programmes and medium to large sized engineering companies on the outskirts of the town. All help to drive the economy of Beeston.
The Nottingham zero carbon vision is that ‘(the local) economy will be built on new sustainable technologies creating high quality employment for citizens and a worldwide reputation for innovation and excellence. New infrastructure developments will not only create jobs directly but make Nottingham one of the best places for businesses to thrive’. Also ‘Nottingham will become one of the most equitable cities with new training opportunities to help Nottingham people benefit from the low carbon economy’ and ‘We will continue to ensure the benefits from economic growth are felt by our citizens and lift people out of poverty’. (See Nottingham City Council’s 2028 Carbon NeutralCharter and draft Carbon Neutral Action Planhttps://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/cn2028 )
Both major political parties are broadly supportive of this approach to economic and social development at a national level:
• Boris Johnson proposed in his first major campaign speech, ‘a clean energy revolution that will ‘harness the power of science, innovation and technology to tackle climate change, spur economic growth and create high-skilled, high-wage jobs’; and
• Labour’s manifesto strap line was ‘Green Industrial Revolution’, covering many of the elements of the Nottingham vision.
Beeston could benefit If Nottingham is successful in leading the development of an economy built on new sustainable technologies. It is an ambitious and exciting vision in which Beeston must be sure to participate. Taking the City’s lead, Beeston might encourage leading scientists, academics, business leaders and innovators to build partnerships and develop strong relationships with local businesses, people and schools to provide:
• Schools excelling in science and green technologies;
• Research in green technologies and delivery of the products and services needed in the future, particularly products to support enhanced building standards in Beeston;
• Work experience and student placements to implement carbon reduction initiatives;
• More graduate retention;
• New jobs in the emerging clean, green low carbon economy;
• Investment for Greater Nottingham to develop as a centre of excellence for sustainable/eco/renewable sectors; and
• A position as a leader of environmentally sustainable technology and innovation.
Gary Smerdon-White
27 July 2020
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