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The most important thing that I would like to see in Beeston is more facilities for youth. 

In particular we need a place for young people to meet with friends where they can socialise in a safe and welcoming environment. 

A youth centre offering structured and unstructured arts and sporting activities, with access to a variety of services and programs would be an invaluable resource that facilitates long-term benefits to the young people of varying communities. 

The key to the success of the facility would be the management of the space itself. It should feel like young people have freedom of expression for various social and cultural activities, including performance and social spaces for music, life skills, recreation and social interaction. I also think it will be good for the mental health of young people in Beeston. 

The other thing I would love to see in Beeston is a really nice new green area. 

An open green area could offer many benefits; cultural, social, economic and environmental, which together contribute positively to physical and mental health and improve quality of life.

The advantages of urban green space can be divided into three main forms: entertainment value, environment value and the aesthetic value. It would serveall social categories of society, be accessible and sport-friendly.  

Finn Rogers

Deputy Youth Mayor – Broxtowe Youth Voice


Broxtowe Youth Voice gives young people in the Borough an opportunity to debate the issues affecting them, including alcohol misuse, security in schools, sexual health, self-harming and much more.  The current Youth Mayor is Grace Li, assisted by the Deputy Youth Mayor Finn Rogers




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