I really appreciate that others are concerned about the wellbeing of our Town, but what does ‘have your say’ mean? Will it change anything?
No doubt that the High Street is changing. Large manufacturing employers do not exist and older employment sites are being replaced with housing, much needed I know, but we have to be cautious that the housing is not just aimed at the student rental market.
Where are the affordable first time buyers homes being located, where are the remaining employment sites and will they be protected?
What attractions has Beeston to offer now? Supermarkets, pound shops, charity shops, coffee houses and maybe hairdressers?
I think maintaining and encouraging a vibrant retail market is still important at the moment, to get people off their backsides and to stay out longer to, eat, drink and shop, but this is about more than the immediate town centre.
Parking is a major priority. Broxtowe needs to indicate that we are worth visiting and to make the visit easy - one hour free parking is just not good enough and some on street parking has been changed to half an hour for goodness sake - who thought that was a good idea to encourage people to stay longer and spend more?
What has all that money spent on a tram achieved for Beeston? It is here so, maybe an incentive campaign of some sort, either discount vouchers for tram users to get them to get off the tram here instead of staying on it and ending up in Nottingham?
Also grants for shop front improvements, again to make shopping more attractive. Maybe tax incentives too, so as vacant shops are not just occupied by charity shops.
Do not lose high street names either and a good Post Office is still important for many.
More events in the square, to make things more interesting.
Could the upcoming cinema complex be also used for other events?
Some type of social hub for the young, to encourage them to remain in the area, which leads back to real affordable housing, something for them to work towards.
Things have been going wrong for years and I blame the same old faces on all the committees sitting and deciding our futures, behind closed doors!
There needs to be full transparency, honesty and joined up thinking!
Steve Williams
26 February 2020
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